Sunday, December 30, 2007

Little Man

That's his mom's nickname for Roman. Shot these on Christmas Day. Had another photographer tell me she thought them too busy and that the wrapping paper should have been all solid. So I explained to her that these photos were personal -GRANDMA shots-, not 'pro studio' shots. Our family tradition is not all matchy, matchy, but instead we choose to wrap our gifts with paper that we find fun and interesting. This year, we used Scooby, Pirates of the Caribbean, pink paper with colorful snowflakes ... and even some old vintage I had left over from years ago. To me, Christmas isn't a 'designer' issue, but instead something of the heart, spiritual and warm. Plus after just moving and barely getting a tree up, the last thing on my mind was making sure everything looked like it came from a New York magazine shoot.

We had a wonderful holiday and I'm looking forward to many more in our new home.
Hope you enjoy my photos! Oh and I plan on squeezing in one more post before the end of this year. And on New Year's Day, I plan on featuring a fabulous jewelry designer from etsy! I stumbled onto her shop in only her second day. But for that story, you have to return. Meanwhile, Happy New Year and good blessings in the coming year of 2008.
Oh, and notice my great vintage Santa?! $10!
One other thing. Sad though. If you read my blog regularly, you'll remember my post below of our silly cat Goober. Well, we thought she'd be OK going outside after a week in her new home. I was wrong. We haven't seen her since Christmas Day and I feel quite guilty as I was the one who let her out in the backyard. My son did go check at the animal shelters, but no luck. She was my husband's cat, but loved to annoy me every night when I got on the computer. I sure miss her! It almost feels like fate that I took those photos of her and now she's gone. I remember the first year we got her was around Christmas and I have some fun shots of her playing near the tree and in the lights from back then also. You can never have enough shots of your pets!

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