Monday, December 22, 2008

In a snapshot spirit

You'd think, me being a PROfessional photographer and all that, that I could get a group shot of my three little ones, but ummm, their parents aren't any help whatsoever, love them BUT, this was the best I could do in one sitting. Now, give me each one alone, kick out their parents and maybe it would work. I used to kick parents out of my studio and then they'd be awed at the great shots...not so easy to do with my own kids! But anyway, I love these pictures and put them together in a 'card' for this year's scrapbook page. Now that's a laugh. I haven't scrapped in years.
So here's enjoying the start of what could prove a crazy week. I need to get little miss in a dress for a proper girlie photo. She loves dresses and she just got a new dolly this week (early present) that she absolutely loves. So you know that will be part of her photo.
On another note, Sunday was awesome. I darted down to the paper and helped out a co-worker so he wouldn't have such a long day. We had to get our annual "Letters to Santa" section together and I've done it for a few years, so it was easy for me to take on that project.
Then my husband took me over to the mall in Lawton and we had so much fun. Made a stop at the Dillard's perfume counter. I am pretty sure I know what I am getting! Some Donna Karan Cashmere Mist! Yummy! Then we ate at Garfield's, calamari appetizer and sandwiches, onion rings for me, cheese waffle fries for him. My gosh, I was almost stuffed after the calamari! Then the onion rings, JINORMOUS!
Came home and then I started making holiday desserts...from scratch no less -- chocolate fudge bundt cake, apricot cream cheese coffee pound cake, and some Ghirardelli's chunky candy -- white chocolate and chocolate melted/swirled together with toasted pecans on top and some sea salt. Oh yea! Photos tomorrow evening will be forthcoming! And the recipes!!!

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