Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Edna Mae (Mom's watching)

Gosh, this post will have a little of this and more of that. Kind of a departure from what I normally write. I'll start out with my short walk to the courthouse today. The Oklahoma wind blew and the smell was awful. My eyes had watered most of the day. As I neared the courthouse, the smell was horrendous. Then I looked up and discovered the reason for it. Bradford Pear trees in FULL BLOOM. They may look gorgeous but if you've never 'experienced' one, you are oh so lucky. In fact, this evening while blog surfing some favorites, there's a great post over at http://www.theletteredcottage.net/
Then my husband and I went to the local video/bookstore and while browsing books, I picked up Ree aka Pioneer Woman's book, reminding myself I need to buy it. As I flipped through it, the book just, I swear, on its own, opened to a certain page and I shouted (quietly) 'get out of town' my husband looked at me and laughed, went back to reading the jacket of Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter, then I showed him what had me in hysterics -- "Edna Mae's sour cream pancakes" recipe in Ree's book.

You see, I'm suppose to do a preview for the newspaper where I work on an upcoming event that the local hospital is hosting, a women's luncheon and Ree is the guest speaker. It should be a blast, but Ree hasn't responded to my numerous e-mails, tweets or facebook requests. I know she's busy, so I'm OK with that. I'll touch base with her soon, I'm sure.

But the reason I'm laughing is that my mom has a way of reaching out to me from beyond and reminding me she's watching or that things will be OK. It's always with her name. It's not like Edna Mae is a popular name, now back when she was born it probably was. When my husband saw that, he knew it was time we leave the store (and of course to get home and watch American Idol). I popped off with a parting remark - "I don't remember my mom adding sour cream to her pancakes!"

Pancakes were a main course meal in our home every Saturday. She made a HUGE batch of them since my triplet brothers could easily devour them. They were good, but Mom had to make do. They definitely weren't like the pancakes I've made recently. Just one or two does good, while I remember Mom's batter being a bit runny and it taking a ton of them to fill anyone up. And tons of Aunt Jemima or dark karo syrup.

I have to say, we may have not had a lot but we never lacked for anything that we needed. Mom was just clever that way.

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