Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Spider Flowers

From my yard, some red spider flowers, though they look pink too, depending on the lighting. I think it may be a mixture somehow. I didn't know what they were called, so I labeled them in my computer as spider flowers. Then I went to Google search and guess what, they really are called spider flowers! Haha! Official name is Grevillea. There are five kinds, the red, the pink, a grey, a white and a green! They really are very cool looking! I shot a ton of them yesterday, but these three are my favorites from the impromptu session in my front yard. You are welcome to use it as a desktop paper, but if you want a print, please let me know and I'll list in my etsy shop!


Cheryl said...

Oh, I have some of those and they are beautiful, but they take over everything! I am now trying to get rid of them...prolific boogers!

Great photography here....

Anonymous said...

Pretty. Where I'm from they are called "Naked Ladies". Funny, huh?