Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Great writer, good story!

I must share the link to a touching story. The content of the story is amazing and the writer, Robert Bridges, is one of CNHI's Best of 2007 finalist writers in Div. III (smaller circulation than the paper I work for). I had to go see for myself what makes this guy stand out from hundreds of others who enter this contest each year.

Read the story and you'll discover for yourself why he's such a good writer. The story itself is one though, that needs to be shared over and over. There's a small photo with the story, which I found interesting in that the Polaroid survived the ocean trip.
A note for those wondering what prompted this post. CNHI picks only one winner and a finalist in each category, should the judges find entries worthy. I was a finalist in Div. II, also for features writing. Even though these awards were announced months ago, I haven't had a chance to go and just read some of the other winning writer's works. I'm really glad I did tonight. Oh, I'm just getting started reading them.

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